A downloadable game

Mold has overtaken the peaceful snails, and only one can save them: Milk, a snail made of jam. You must spread jam and use cards to get to the Star on each level. Collect all the stars to win!


WASD to move

Space to open inventory, use card, and place card

Left Shift to cancel (close inventory, stop placing card)

and Q to rotate card placement


Use WASD keys to move. Every time you move, the enemies 'get a turn', meaning they get a chance to move or attack you.


Jam is spread underneath you when you move, and mold is spread underneath enemies when they move. When you move onto a tile that has jam, the enemies do not get a turn.


Press spacebar to open the inventory, then use A and D keys to select a card. Press space to use that card, which will highlight tiles on the map in the same pattern shown in the top-left of the card. Use WASD to move the card, and Q and E to rotate it. You cannot place it if it is highlighted red, because it is obstructed by either you, an enemy, a wall, or an item pickup. If it is green, you can place it by pressing space, which will spread jam in the pattern shown. 

Placing a card does not give the enemies a turn.

The usage of cards is to place jam, then move on that jam to defeat the enemies.


To attack an enemy, simply walk into them. You will stay on your tile, but they will die, and possibly drop an item pickup. If an enemy is next to you when they get a turn, they will attack you, and you will lose one heart of health.


Sometimes enemies will drop an item when defeated, and one will spawn on each level. There are two items: the Card and the Heart. Walk onto the card and you will gain another card in your inventory. If you already have four cards, nothing will happen. Walk onto the heart and it will heal half a heart of health.


Get to the star to get to the next level. After all the levels, you win!


gamedesigndoc.pdf 553 kB
JamSnail.zip 247 MB

Install instructions

Extract the .zip and run the .exe inside
.exe cannot run outside of the folder